The second coming of "Hello world"
After having a pretty big hiatus I thought it was about time I give the whole blogging thing another crack, Fingers crossed this time sticks!
I thought I may as well also take the opportunity to try out a different solution for generating the blog.
Previously I used a combination of buster/ghost to host a local blog server and then generate the assets from this which turned out to be a tad annoying.
Now I trying out using the jenkell/jasper2 combo. Instead of having to run a server jenkell generates the static assets directly keeping it more simple so it just works.
I created this new one by
- Cloning the repo
- Changing the destination property in the _config.yml to equal “../”
- Running the cmd “bundle install” to pull down the required gem dependencies
- Running the cmd “bundle exec jekyll serve” to generate the required static assets in the folder “../” and also to preview the site
And now if you can read this then pushing the generated folder to the git pages repo..
Until next time